John Mills Students Graduate D.A.R.E. Program
Congratulations to John Mills Elementary School’s 5th graders, who graduated Dec. 18 from the school’s D.A.R.E. program! The students learned how to resist peer pressure and live drug- and violence-free lives.
Elmwood Park Police Chief Andrew Hock, District 401 Board of Education Vice President Peter Volpe and Superintendent of Schools Dr. Leah Gauthier were among the guests. Principal Frank Kuzniewski presided over the ceremony, which took place in the school gym.
Highlighting the ceremony were comments from Police Chief Hock and School Resource Officer Vic Piermattei, as well as readings by student essay winners Jaylah Nava, Penelope Padilla, Averill Perino and Abigail Valenzuela, whose essays summarized what they learned from the D.A.R.E. program. A slideshow of student-drawn D.A.R.E. posters was also presented. Great job by all! Thank you to 5th-grade teachers Andrea Gauthier, Macey Graf, Elizabeth Murray and Roxanne Rickenbrode, English Learners teacher Tracy Flaherty, and special education teacher Eileen McNichols!
The John Mills D.A.R.E. graduates aren't the only 5th graders in town who will earn that distinction during the current school year. The 5th graders of Elmwood Elementary School will celebrate their own D.A.R.E. graduation in the spring. Thank you to the Village of Elmwood Park for their support and partnership in making the D.A.R.E. program such a success!
To view a gallery of the graduation, click the button below: